Sunday, May 3, 2009

8 months

I am now 8 months pregnant - and still doing just great! I feel really lucky that I've been feeling so good. I have a lot of energy (probably more than I've had at any other point in my pregnancy), no physical ailments, etc. I hope I can keep it up awhile longer!
In other news, I am very excited to be wrapping up my Master of Liberal Arts degree this week! On Tuesday I have to defend my Portfolio, then my last day of class is Friday, and then I will walk in Commencement on Saturday - busy week! It's been a lot of fun, but I'll be glad to be done so I can really start focusing on this little baby :)


Julie Bailey said...

How do you "defend your portfolio"? With a sword? Just kidding! Good luck with your last week of classes and congratulations!!

Precious Wonders and Little Monkeys said...

WOOHOO! Congrats and hello Perfect Timing! Hope you had a great week and yes... get to baby dreaming because he's almost here. Oh it's exciting when you're getting so close. Also nice to know a definite timeline huh?! ;0) hee hee