Monday, November 17, 2008

6 months

So it has been 6 months so far since we started our adoption journey (since signing our contract). I feel like we have made great progress moving up ASIA's wait list, and I'm excited to think about what the next 6 months will bring! Unfortunately we had to have our pet degu, Krillin, put to sleep over the weekend. He was old (7 or 8 years) and had suffered from strokes, so it was the only humane thing to do. We will miss him. We don't plan on replacing him any time soon. When we have kids old enough to appreciate a little guy like that we will think about getting another degu - I don't think I could ever get a hamster or gerbil after having had a great degu like Krillin.


Sarah k said...

oh hon... I am so sorry about your fur baby. That is very difficult, but I am sure he is happier now. That sounds rough on everyone. I am glad to hear your spirits high about the wait though.. you go girl!!! *hug*
Keep the glass half full, cause your child is waiting to find you!!

Sarah k

halfh0bbit said...

I too am sorry to hear about Krillin; he was a cool creature. I know that no matter what the circumstances are, it's never easy to lose an animal friend.

Precious Wonders and Little Monkeys said...

Congrats on 6 months!!!! 6 months down is always great!

I'm so sorry about your degu. I'm really sorry for your loss.

QingLu Mama said...

Hi Amber. Thanks for checking out my blog...and I am sorry to here about your degu (I admit I had to look up what it was...) but he sounded like a really neat friend. It is always hard to lose a family pet. You asked what program we are with, we are with JOH program 3. I think our time frame is short b/c we have no gender preference. If we were specific to wanting a girl our wait would be closer to 12-18 months, I think. I wish you the best of luck with your journey, I'll surely be checking back in on your blog!

Cheryl said...

I just wanted to pop in say that I'm thinking about you....praying with you that you continue to move up the list....take the time to read...prepare your heart and occupied my mental time....a little....

Hang in there!!!