Today I am officially 6 months along in my pregnancy, so I am officially calling this the 3rd trimester (even though I have another 3 months + 1 week to go until full term). Fox kicks me like crazy these days..he's a strong little boy. I can visually see my belly move when he kicks, which is amazing to see. I haven't had many pregnancy symptoms at all during this whole adventure, and those that I've had I've been able to take care of with herbal remedies, so I'm certainly not complaining. I don't LIKE being pregnant (it is a rather uncomfortable experience), but I must admit I'm probably getting off easy. I'm hoping these last 3 months go just as smoothly, and the birth goes the smoothest of all :)
No real news on the adoption front. Seems the wait list is stalled once again. Just waiting for an update from our agency to see what's going on, and trying to keep my mind on other things (like baby Fox!).